Profound gratitude for exceptional leadership
Friday, July 12, 2024
President Kagame, the Commander-In-Chief of the Rwanda Defence Force, inspects the military parade at Amahoro stadium during the 30 liberation ceremony at Amahoro stadium on July 4. Photo by Dan Gatsinzi

Attempting to convey deep thankfulness and appreciation for our President's exceptional leadership and monumental contributions to Rwanda proves to be a complex task. Presently, we can merely offer a thank you and pledge our commitment to ensuring that our nation does not regress by any measure, not to go back to its state from 30 years ago.

We must persist in progressing forward, we must refuse to be called "SMALL PEOPLE.” Today, I want to join millions of other Rwandans in saying, we are grateful. We are grateful for President Paul Kagame’s words of wisdom, and I will reflect on a few. I start by reflecting the President’s words, "They called us a small, failed state, but we refused to fail and rejected being small.”

Leadership guidance

Through Kagame’s leadership and the support of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), Rwanda has evolved into a nation we proudly call home. His contributions to liberating our country have instilled a strong and unified identity, laying the groundwork upon which we continue to forge our nation’s future. And this was achieved by: "Staying together, being accountable and thinking big.”

Commitment to development

The commitment to national development is apparent in the numerous remarkable advancements. From infrastructure to healthcare, education to technology, progress has been notable due to his administration. Particularly praiseworthy is the empowerment of women, who are now reclaiming their place in society.

His policies have facilitated women’s success across various sectors, substantially contributing to the nation’s growth. And he remarked, "If oppressed women should wage a war, I would readily smuggle ammunition to them, for it would be a justified war.”

Empowering young minds

His dedication to the youth of Rwanda is nothing short of phenomenal. By creating opportunities across all sectors, he has empowered the younger generation to realize their potential and contribute meaningfully to the country's growth.

The promotion and development of sports and tourism under his leadership have brought Rwanda international recognition, showcasing our nation’s treasures, talent, and spirit on the global stage.

And this is true in his words, "You are our strength. our youth must be raised, educated both in schools and by what surrounds them. It is our responsibility to give you opportunities, but you also must invest in yourself and build on the legacy of what this country has given you.”

Leading with vision and purpose

There is much that cannot be captured in a single writing, but I challenge everyone to read his speeches and follow his lead. His words will inspire you in one way or another, giving you a reason to wake up every day and work hard and smart and focus on building a future of not being afraid of the future. I could not agree more when he said, "Work hard until it hurts because poverty hurts much more.”

His vision and unwavering commitment to the betterment of Rwanda have positioned our country as a model of progress and unity.

For all these reasons and more, we say, thank you, Kagame. WARAKOZE. Ndandambara izadutera ubwoba!!

May you continue to lead us towards a brighter and more prosperous future.