Diaspoman: When we quenched the real Graduation thirst

My ever thirsty throat was very pleased when it heard that there were several Universities in Rwanda planning to hold graduation parties. That could mean one thing only – free booze! Hurray!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

My ever thirsty throat was very pleased when it heard that there were several Universities in Rwanda planning to hold graduation parties. That could mean one thing only – free booze! Hurray!

So, here I was drawing up a check list of the rich and famous SFB students. I told myself that I would enjoy to the maximum if I attended 3 to 5 mega parties at the rich corners of Kigali. If it meant fluking, then I was more than prepared to do just that!

As I have told you so many times before, I happen to be a real student of Finance at SFB although most people at Campus mistake me for being a senior lecturer.

They think that I am a respected lecturer due to the age difference between me and my fellow classmates who are in their early 20s.

Anyways, SFB was the place to be and Graduates had organized parties all over Kigali. So for us, it was a matter of where to fluke these parties. We decided that it had to be a party where beers flowed like the river Nile itself.

It did not take us very long to identify a top class Graduation party somewhere in Nyarutarama. The place was oozing with many litres of Amstels.

Being the ringleader, I marched on to the party followed by a group of very thirsty SFB classmates. We stormed the Graduation party and identified a cosy corner within the nicely decorated garden.

In that corner, we manoeuvred and obtained a crate of Amstels which we cleared in record time. We negotiated again with the catering staff and promised them some cash. So they sent us another crate of Amstels which we cleared as well.

Then we re-negotiated but this time round we only managed to receive a crate of cold Mitzigs. Those ones we clobbered also. After all these bottles were now lying down, our heads started to behave in a strange manner.

One of our colleagues called Steve had gulped much more than he could handle. That is why he grabbed the microphone from the distinguished MC and decided to give a word or two.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are so pleased to be here to celebrate with our colleague” The crowd clapped hands. Steve continued with his speech. He called us from our hideout so that we could stand with him as he continued to speak.

In our drunken condition, we stumbled out of our corner to stand with Steve. Then he continued "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here to sing for the new Graduate a nice song which will help him as he starts this new life” A SONG?

We were not prepared for any songs. But before we could protest, Steve released a rocket of a song. It was a religious song which praised the power of God.

But since the booze had overpowered our minds, what we attempted to sing could only have been interpreted as gibberish. It had to take a courageous MC to cover the embarrassment when he pretended to enjoy our choruses.

He called out to the guests to give us a standing ovation "Please let’s stand and clap for the SFB choir”. Within the next few minutes, the SFB choir was being shown the gate. We were told to vamoose and never come back again.

Out we went after filling our tummies with booze! What was left for us was to look for another Graduation party to attend. But we were so drunk that we simply lost each other in the dark night. I hobbled on until a boda boda arrived.

I jumped on it and sped away to Aggrey’s mansion in Nyarutarama. Oh, what a night! 

Contact: diaspoman@yahoo.com