Rwandan elections, AI and the worrisome state of the world
Friday, July 12, 2024
Thousands of residents gathered at the stadium, during the RPF Inkotanyi campaign rally in Gicumbi District on July 9. Photo by Olivier Mugwiza

The 2024 Rwandan electoral campaign is coming to an end. To maintain its widely recognised growth momentum, Rwanda needs to re-elect the national favourite: RPF Chairman and 4 time President, Afande Paul Kagame.

As the polling date approaches, foreign content - for we can hardly call that clickbait nonsense journalism anymore - floods international media, questioning our democratic processes, the number of consecutive mandates that our President can serve, and whether Rwandans truly hold a power of choice.

I wish the authors of these pieces would elaborate on what they’re hoping to achieve with that insulting line of questioning.

Considering the succession of war criminals, Nazi sympathisers and fascists, sexual abusers and confused geriatrics that have ruled western countries unchallenged, I find the concern as to who Africans democratically elect rather fishy....and this without even raising the issue of the number of coups and presidential assassinations that "they” have orchestrated on our soil.

These people hold no moral authority to challenge our sovereign right to elect or re-elect whoever we choose, let alone a visionary with a track record of such success that even his critics must reluctantly praise his performance.

Much of the world is in turmoil, and when elections occur amid volatile times, an informed electorate must entrust the reins of power to the candidate that most possesses the following qualities: