Editorial: Congratulations to all the new graduates

This week many became known as former students, alumni and the like. We are talking about those who graduated from School of Finance and Banking (SFB), Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) and the National University of Rwanda.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

This week many became known as former students, alumni and the like. We are talking about those who graduated from School of Finance and Banking (SFB), Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) and the National University of Rwanda.

Here at SundayMag, we say, "Congratulations and good luck in all your endeavours!”

We would also like to remind you never to despair as you search for a job since we shall always be there to relax you with our great stories.

Better still, you could also join our team and chip in a few articles on your experiences at school and your anticipation after graduation.

Apart from the graduation ceremonies and subsequent parties, alot has been taking place in our beautiful Rwanda.

The First Lady, Mrs Jeannette Kagame, recently launched the Health Week. Check out our Main Feature section for some of the reasons it was launched.

So you thought Rwanda has mineral wealth? Don’t just think it, know it. It’s our focus today.

We also have your usual dishes on our menu…the Perfect Weekend, A Day In a Life, Dos and Don’ts, Sunday Recipe, In the know, Fashion/Style and a lot more.

We hope you will once again enjoy your Sunday with us. Ciao.
