Why President Kagame deserves our vote
Friday, July 12, 2024
RPF-Inkotanyi presidential candidate Paul Kagame during the campaign in Gicumbi on July 9. Photo by Oliver Mugwiza 

As Rwanda prepares for the presidential election on July 15, 2024, it is crucial to reflect on the transformative leadership of President Paul Kagame. His visionary governance has not only propelled Rwanda into an era of unprecedented growth and development but also positioned it as a beacon of hope and progress on the global stage.

Under President Kagame’s leadership, Rwanda has become synonymous with resilience, innovation, and remarkable economic advancement. The nation has seen tremendous progress in sectors such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and technology. These achievements are reflected in impressive statistics, showcasing Rwanda as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and a model for sustainable development.

A personal testament

Allow me to share a personal experience that highlights the profound impact of President Kagame's leadership. Recently, I met a fellow Rwandan employed by a United Nations agency. Our conversation naturally veered towards leadership, career development, and business. When I mentioned the influence of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and President Kagame, my friend kept quiet and reserved. He noted that since I do not work for the government, I should remain neutral.

However, I argued that the opportunities I have today are a direct result of the positive global reputation Rwanda enjoys under President Kagame's leadership. Despite working for an American company, I firmly believe that my current role is influenced by Rwanda’s strong brand. Selected from a pool of talented individuals worldwide, my nationality became an asset because of President Kagame’s remarkable international standing.

In my professional engagements across Africa – Zambia, Benin, Guinea, Senegal, Gambia, Togo, Malawi and Central African Republic – mentioning that I am from Rwanda often elicits admiration and respect for President Kagame. This recognition not only boosts my confidence but also facilitates smoother interactions with heads of state, ministers, and other government officials. It is a testament to how President Kagame’s leadership has opened doors for many Rwandans, including myself.

Voting for a brighter future

Voting for President Kagame on July 15 is more than a vote for sustained development and democracy; it is a vote for a brighter future and a lasting legacy for all Rwandans. The global respect we command, the ease with which we travel, and so many opportunities available to us are all thanks to his leadership. Rwandans are now recognized for their discipline, self-control, and commitment to excellence, traits cultivated under Kagame’s guidance.

President Kagame’s influence extends beyond Rwanda’s borders. His leadership has set a standard not only for Rwandans but for all Africans. The respect and admiration he has garnered on the global stage have created opportunities for Rwandans worldwide. Whether in government, the private sector, or international organizations, being Rwandan under Kagame's leadership is a mark of honor.

In conclusion, wherever you are and whatever you do, take a moment to appreciate President Kagame. His leadership has not only transformed Rwanda but has also elevated the status of every Rwandan on the global stage. As we approach the election, let us unite to vote for continued progress, stability, and opportunities for all Rwandans, especially the youth, who represent our future.

We respect and love President Kagame for his unwavering dedication to our nation. Voting for him is voting for the continued success and prosperity of Rwanda.