In a world of suffering, poverty, discrimination and all forms of injustice, one wonders whether God cares about justice. However, the Bible clearly states God’s position on the issue, “I the LORD, love justice! But I hate robbery and injustice….” Isaiah 61:8.
In a world of suffering, poverty, discrimination and all forms of injustice, one wonders whether God cares about justice. However, the Bible clearly states God’s position on the issue, "I the LORD, love justice! But I hate robbery and injustice….” Isaiah 61:8.
To build a generation of just men and women requires us to start early – when the child is young and teachable, to inculcate this value. To sow the seeds of justice and fairness in our relationships with fellow men is a parental responsibility that God expects.
Abraham was instructed to command his family and household to obey God and to do righteousness and justice [Genesis 18:19]. This is a generational responsibility. We fail in our duty if we do not bequeath the next generation with the principles to live a right and fair life with their neighbors.
The question we need to ask is whether we sow seeds of justice or discord as raise our children?
Take a walk with me into a crèche or kindergarten class… will be amazed that children rarely notice the distinctions we adults tend to see.
Recently a new student joined my son’s class. He was excited to share this news but had forgotten the new girl’s name. All he could say was that she has long, soft hair.
Later we discovered the new student was from Europe…..Yes, how easily we as adults could have described the new girl. Children are ‘colour blind’.
Abject poverty is an injustice that should not be allowed to perpetuate. It robs man of his dignity and self worth. It is time our leaders in Africa reversed this trend and put an end to this injustice. Indeed, God loves justice.