Freedom House should know that plotters of instability and their backers will never succeed
Friday, February 12, 2021

In its . This evidence was brought to court by residents of Norwich who, unlike Freedom House, were not willing to help a criminal masquerading as a human rights activist conceal his crimes and continue to mislead unsuspecting audiences.

Freedom House’s advocacy, its whitewashing of RNC and its boss Nyamwasa, is the most damning evidence of its agenda to impose its version of events, far removed from the truth. Nyamwasa declared, ordered, and instigated violent insurrection in Rwanda and in the process his actions led to the indiscriminate killing of innocent people in markets and bus parks. The facts are there for anyone interested in looking. Nyamwasa is still plotting for more bloodshed. Yet Freedom House lionizes him as a "principled dissenter." One wonders what principles are in the killings of innocent people going about their lives. 

Plotters of instability and their backers will never succeed because Rwandans know that nothing good can come out of terrorism. Western audiences should know better.