32 cases of crime registered in March

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA — 32 crimes were registered in Ngoma district during the month of March. This was revealed yesterday by the Sector Executive Secretaries (SES) during an open monthly security meeting held at the district headquarters.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


NGOMA — 32 crimes were registered in Ngoma district during the month of March. This was revealed yesterday by the Sector Executive Secretaries (SES) during an open monthly security meeting held at the district headquarters.

The Secretaries  were presenting the security status reports within their respective sectors.

About 14 cases of assault  were registered according to the  reports, most of which are among married couples. One of the assault cases resulted in the  death of the victim. It is alleged that one Sekamembe killed his son whose name was withheld in Mutendeli sector.

Sekamembe who is now in hiding is said to have separated with his wife with whom they have nine children. The two are said to have had differences arising from family property which culminated in  Sekamembe spearing  his son to death.

Other registered cases include theft and  defilement. One suicide case was also registered in Rurenge sector. Close to 10 cases were registered in Kazo sector, making it the sector  with the highest crime rate  in the district.

The District Police Commander Superintendent Emmanuel Kalasi warned the village and cell leaders in the district against laxity when it came to issues touching on security.
