All you need to know about new bishop of Cyangugu Diocese
Saturday, February 06, 2021

Pope Francis on Saturday, February 6, promoted Reverend Father Edouard Sinayobye and named him the new Bishop of Cyangugu Diocese.

His appointment was confirmed in an announcement aired by Vatican Radio, an official broadcasting service of Vatican City.

Sinamenye, who has been the Rector of the Preparatory Seminary of Nyumba in the Diocese of Butare, replaces fallen Bishop Bimenyimana Jean Damascène who passed away in 2018, after 21 years of service in the position.

The pastoral administration of the Diocese of Cyangugu has since been occupied on interim basis by Monsignor Célestin Hakizimana, the Bishop of Gikongoro Diocese.

Born in Gisagara District, Southern Province, Sinayobye’s journey to priesthood started at Saint Léon minor seminary in Kabgayi in 1988 where he spent six years.

The 54-year-old spent a year in the Preparatory Seminary of Rutengo (1993-1994) and subsequently completed his studies in Philosophy and theology in the Major Seminary of Nyakibanda (1994-2000).

He was ordained a priest on August 12, 2000 for the Diocese of Butare.

After his ordination, Sinayobye became the Parish Vicar of the Cathedral of Butare and Director of the Diocesan Commission for Justice and Peace until 2005 when he was appointed the Pastor of Gakoma and member of the Diocesan Commission for Finance.

Sinayobye is a PhD holder in Spiritual Theology in the Pontifical Theological Faculty which he got from the Pontifical Institute of Spirituality Teresianum in Rome in 2013.

Since 2014, he has worked in different positions namely the Rector of the Preparatory Seminary of Nyumba, Professor of Spiritual Theology in the Major Seminary of Nyakibanda and at the Catholic University of Butare, Secretary of the Episcopal Commission for Vocations and member of the National Committee for Eucharistic Congresses.

Sinayobye, who speaks five languages including Kinyarwanda, English, French, Kiswahili and Italian, is also an author of a number of books.

One of the most popular is ‘Les apparitions de la Mère du Verbe à Kibeho’, which he published in January 2016.

The book, which is available on Amazon, takes readers through the extraordinary apparition of the Virgin Mary in Kibeho, in Nyaruguru District.

Other books include ‘Jean-Paul II, Pélerin de l’espérance’ and ‘Kabeho’ among others.