Muhingabo releases first single after 10 years
Thursday, February 04, 2021
Singer Yeti Muhingabo. / Courtesy

Constantin Muhingabo, or 'Yeti Muhingabo' as he is commonly known, has been in the music industry for the last 10 years.

Although he just released his first single, his journey in music didn’t start yesterday. For him, to make it in this industry requires patience, hard work, and determination.

Released on February 1, Muhingabo’s new song, ‘Ni Wowe Niringiye’, he says is a gospel song that tells his testimony, and that of his friends about what they have been going through in life and how grateful they are of God’s grace.

The 34-year-old who is also a songwriter and performer said that although he did the song a long time ago, he decided to release it a few days ago because of the current situation, which played a role in motivating him.

"I thought this was the right time to release this song because I anticipate that it will encourage many people to keep on pushing and put their trust in God because He is the only one who can calm the storm,” he said.

Although this is his first officially released song, he said that he has many other songs that he is yet to release as well.

About how he decided to venture into music, the musician explained that he was passionate about everything music, and at times he couldn’t understand himself.

In 2009, when he joined the university, he got an opportunity to join a school band, which according to him acted as a ladder to achieving his dream as well as sharpen his skills in vocals, and since then he has been enjoying singing.

His future expectations however are to expose and share his music craft with the world. Additionally, his expectations from the released song are to launch his career as a singer.

"Although it’s not as easy as one might put it,” the singer said "I believe that with God’s grace and hard work, things will work out when the right time comes, and that everything is possible to them who believe as it is put in the book of Mark 10;27.”

He also aspires to work with other local music artists so that they can help place Rwandan music to another level.