Kagame calls for more investment in climate adaptation
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

President Paul Kagame has urged global leaders to prioritize climate adaptation in the course of the year, and beyond, citing that increased investment in the area strengthens societies for future growth and prosperity.

Kagame was speaking during this year’s climate adaptation summit, held virtually on Monday, January 25 through 26.

In his remarks, the Head of State stressed that as the world works to slow the pace of climate change, similar efforts must be gathered towards mitigating its effects.

"Climate change after all is a fact, which calls for social and economic resilience, to protect livelihoods, I thank the Prime Minister Mark Rutte and the Netherlands Government for spearheading this initiative, which helps set the stage for COP-26, later this year,” he said.

Kagame shared Rwanda’s experience, highlighting deliberate efforts the government has taken to mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects.

"In Rwanda the changing climate is already making itself felt in unusually heavy rainfall and flooding. Changing weather patterns also affect agriculture.

"We are responding by investing in water resources management for example restoring catchment areas and wetlands,” he added.

Kagame also highlighted that last year the country established the Rwanda Water Resources Board, to ensure integrated, long-term planning around water, irrigation and climate.

"The Netherlands government is a strong supporter of these efforts particularly with new technology,” he asserted.

According to the head of state, the Rwanda Green Fund (FONERWA), catalyzes financing for climate resilience projects and has already supported the creation of thousands of green jobs.

Consequently, Kagame reiterated that Rwanda's ambitious National Determined Contribution commits to a 38 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

Nationally Determined Contribution Partnership is a global coalition of countries and institutions working to mobilize support and achieve ambitious climate goals while enhancing sustainable development.

"To meet the goal, we are working to preserve forests through public private partnerships for forest management together with investment partners,” he said.

Hosted by the Netherlands government, the Climate Adaptation Summit convenes global leaders and stakeholders to discuss strategies, commitments and partnerships that seek to make the world more resilient to the effects of climate change.

The summit saw the launch of a comprehensive Adaptation Action Agenda, setting out clear commitments to deliver concrete new endeavours and partnerships to make the world more resilient to the effects of climate change.