Newtimes copies for all

Editor, I am a banker in Kigali. I love reading your informative paper and I am a committed reader of your very enjoyable columns. However it is becoming really hard to access the paper. There are not enough copies for everyone to get and hence I always miss a copy.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I am a banker in Kigali. I love reading your informative paper and I am a committed reader of your very enjoyable columns. However it is becoming really hard to access the paper. There are not enough copies for everyone to get and hence I always miss a copy.

News can only be news if you receive it in time but this has not been the case since as much as I hustle all over town to get a copy the earliest I get a copy is a day later.

Last Sunday I was disappointed to find that I couldn’t get a copy of the Sunday Times and its one of my favorite reads. I am concerned about your distribution and I would just like to know how I can subscribe in order to be sure I will receive a copy.

If not please inform readers where to get the daily copies and at what time they are available. I also enjoy your online page but most of the time the daily features are not displayed which is really sad since we look forward to such pages for more interpretive pieces which are really enjoyable and informative.
Thank you.
