5 skills you should learn during lockdown
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Coding is a great skill to have if you have a business. / Net photo

The government’s decision to impose a second lockdown in the capital resulted from an upsurge of Covid-19 cases reported in the area.

However, to avoid getting bored and to stay entertained, reports indicate that it is critical that people dedicate some of the extra time to learn a new skill at home during lockdown, such as learning a language, improving culinary skills, among others.

Here are the five top skills you can easily learn during the two week lockdown.


According to Knowledge Academy, today we’re living in a world that is dominated by technology, necessitating the idea to know how to use it.

Coding in particular is a great skill to know if you have a business, as it can be incredibly expensive to hire a web developer.

In contrast, if you are not a business owner, becoming a developer or programmer is a very well paid and rewarding job to have. You don’t need a degree to become a developer, and you can learn the basics easily from the comfort of your own home.


Spending time at home normally provides some free time on someone’s schedule, and experts say that this is a great way to use it by perfecting your cooking skills.

Besides having a better diet, perfecting cooking skills is also a great way to learn some transferable soft skills, such as time management, organisation and problem solving.

Like the saying goes, there is no downside to learning how to cook!

Language learning

Ordinarily, people use the extra time at home to invest in expanding their horizons, such as learning a language.

A study from the New American Economy revealed that the demand for bilingual workers has doubled in the past.

"While learning a new language by yourself may seem a bit overwhelming, there is plenty of material online to help you through it, such as courses, online groups and even apps, such as Duolingo,” notes Knowledge Academy.


You only need the time and patience to learn gardening. Reports indicate that with some practice and understanding of different plants, soil types and growing conditions, you can become a dab hand at gardening and be able to bear the title of green fingers forevermore in as little as a month.

According to experts, gardening is not only a healthy, fun and fulfilling activity which can have a positive effect on your mental health, it will also help you to develop new skills and expand your knowledge about the science of growing.

Project management

According to Dan Lok, project management is a broad topic that can cover the basis of applications.

In essence, project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities with the goal of meeting project requirements.

This may include aspects such as scope, time, cost, quality, communications, and risk management, which are decided based on the goal of a project.

Now more than ever, positions in project management will quickly rise to the top as a career of high-demand owing to the current trend of working from home and the new adaptability of outsourcing jobs, positions.