Poor customer care

Editor, Allow me to express my disappointment through your paper over the Immigration office, its bureaucracy and lack of customer care.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Allow me to express my disappointment through your paper over the Immigration office, its bureaucracy and lack of customer care.

I went their on Monday when their staff where complaining over stress that the office had suspended some of the staff without replacing them.

A woman sitting behind me was complaining that the same employees has made her spend four days coming and going without proper and clear reason as the receptionist tells her "come tomorrow...come tomorrow.”

As the Kinyarwanda saying goes that when two elephants fight, it’s the grass that suffers. How does this big office sack their employees and fail to provide impromptu solution, resulting in customers spending long hours at their reception?

Secondly, how do the remaining employees complain to the citizens about their internal issue? It’s high time that this important office respected customers and their time...since we all have things to do.

Immigration, please do something, we need your speedy services.
