UCK students threaten to strike

SOUTHERN PROVINCE  MUHANGA — students at the Catholic University of Kabgayi (UCK) have threatened to go on a strike after the university administration announced an increment in graduation requirement fees.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

MUHANGA — students at the Catholic University of Kabgayi (UCK) have threatened to go on a strike after the university administration announced an increment in graduation requirement fees.

The affected students termed the move as unfair. The students contend that the new announcement is a total surprise to them and demanded an immediate redress saying that they are set to boycott classes.

"The implementation of the new guidelines should not affect students doing dissertations because we had already paid school fees for the academic year 2008 inclusive of all the requirements,” one student who did not wish to be named said.

"We are demanding to have an audience  with the school administration over the issue with an intent of  resolving this problem and to get proper explanations as to why this has been done  since school fees is a burden to most of us” she added.

The students have also demanded for a nullification of this new requirement and have threatened that if the school administration insists on standing their ground then they would possibly call for a strike. 

Last tuesday, the students held a meeting for the purposes of forging  a front against the new regulations. Consequently some students chose not to attend both morning and evening classes.

Other students alleged that the administration had refused to receive copies of their dissertations deposited on that day including going as far as blocking some defense schedules until the full payments are made. 

By press time, the evening class group had written to the University Rector, Fr. Vincent Kagabo,  saying that the increment should not affect all the old students-who had already paid their dues.