What are your resolutions for the New Year?
Thursday, January 07, 2021

After going through a year of being let down over and over, many people have mixed feelings about 2021. They are not sure if it will be any different from 2020. For this reason, some people are considering putting off any resolutions for the year. 

It’s not easy to make plans at such a time when it’s hard to know what tomorrow may bring, however, regardless of the plain uncertainty that has been caused by the pandemic, there is still need to maintain a resilient attitude, think ahead and find ways to find purpose and joy in life.

Here are some ideas that can guide you on how to set this year’s resolutions;

Work on your finances 

Last year was a very tough financial year for many; the closure of businesses and layoffs left many people jobless. Those who didn’t have a side hustle or emergency fund had to face it rough. This, however, should be a wakeup call to learn how to financially plan for a better future and emergencies too. This year, plan to monitor your expenses, save enough money and also make it a point to create multiple sources of income. 

Spread love 

If nothing else, the pandemic has taught us how much humans depend on each other, how our lives are intertwined and, therefore, what we do has direct impact on others. At such a time, when people are still battling with how to survive and deal with the effects of the pandemic, it’s important that you show love and affection to people. Make a vow to be kind to people, take care of those you love and even strangers.   

Step out of your comfort zone 

This year, push yourself into unfamiliar places and do things that are usually uncomfortable for you to do. Staying in the same lane over and over again limits chances for growth. However, when you choose to go out of your comfort zone, you are bound to be more creative and this also helps you to build more confidence in yourself.

Plan for a vacation

Yes, travelling or socialising is still off limits, however, this shouldn’t stop you from planning for a vacation sometime this year. Having something fun to look forward to will help you keep a positive attitude. 

Embrace change  

Accepting change is one of the keys to a good life. When you embrace change, you are allowing yourself to transform and encounter breakthroughs. Let this be your mantra this year and see how things unfold for you. 

Read more  

With the pandemic not showing signs of leaving anytime soon, people are bound to spend most of their time at home just like it was last year. This, therefore, should serve as the perfect time to cultivate that reading culture. Endeavour to read every day, even if it’s just a few chapters, this will help you get better at it over time.  Apart from keeping you occupied, books have the capacity to expand your memory and critical thinking. 

Take up volunteering

With the effects of the pandemic, so many people out there are in need of help. You can give money but also, offering your skills and time can be equally valuable. You can volunteer at a women’s shelter or at a non-profit. Remember this is not only be beneficial for those you are helping but for you as an individual too. The more we give, the happier we feel since giving or reaching out to others gives one a sense of compassion and accomplishment