Catch the vision! Go for the goal!

I talked to a gentleman last week who after he had shared his plans for his business said to me, ‘these are not my dreams, this is my vision.’ It set me thinking, is there a difference between a dream and a vision? Many times the two terms are used interchangeably. But according to this gentleman, a dream is just that - a dream while a vision is going to be accomplished.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I talked to a gentleman last week who after he had shared his plans for his business said to me, ‘these are not my dreams, this is my vision.’ It set me thinking, is there a difference between a dream and a vision?

Many times the two terms are used interchangeably. But according to this gentleman, a dream is just that - a dream while a vision is going to be accomplished. The difference is in the accomplishment it would appear.

 The terms differ however when they are attributed as traits to a person. When one is called a dreamer, it is certainly different from being called visionary.

Having an image of where one is going, what one is going to accomplish and I must add having the determination and drive to get there and get it done.

A dreamer on the other hand gives a picture of one on a beach bench eyes closed mind taking trips on unrealistic longings. Which will you go for?

One of the qualities our President has been praised for is visionary leadership. I am sure it started as a dream, an image of what Rwanda can become. He did not let it remain a dream.

You see dreams are temporary, you wake up from them and they are often hazy, you can’t quite remember what you dreamt sometimes.

So it became a vision a true picture of where to take Rwanda. And here we are, not there yet, but many steps from where we came.

Some of us live from day to day, let come what may, what comes goes anyway, we think. We dream sometimes but nothing of consequence.

We sense no particular drive to go beyond the now, even if the now is not so spectacular. No urge to really move on. And if we are happy with our status quo, we shall stay put.

To really grow, move on, develop, prosper, which is what we all want, we must have a clear vision for our lives. People with a vision count the cost, get to work and achieve what they set out to.

A vision has a drive and it drives you for it must be realized. The vision bearer has to achieve it. That’s what takes a vision bearer beyond a dreamer.

It is not a mere lovely picture in one’s mind, it goes beyond that, it is a drive to get to that wonderful image in the mind, to achieve those great things.  

And it will take time and hard work, Rwanda has come a long way and it is not without sweat. It will also take plenty of falls sometimes but you get up, dust yourself and learn from your experience and move on, more determined than ever before.

It will also take some learning, visions are adjustable and sharpened but don’t be distracted, keep right on going. One day you will look back and hurrah! You made it!

A dream is a good place to start but go beyond your dream, have a vision!

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