Why critical thinking is necessary for personal development
Tuesday, January 05, 2021

The words "critical thinking” frequently pop up in job descriptions and on adjective lists for resume-writing, so it’s clearly a desirable characteristic.

To express our thoughts and ideas, it requires thinking clearly and systematically. Critical thinking skills range from observation, analysis, interpretation, reflection problem solving among others.


Jean Marie Habimana, the director of operations and partnership at Ready for Reading, a local non-governmental organisation in Eastern Province, believes that critical thinking, first of all, helps enhance language and presentation.

He observes that in learning how to analyse the logical structure of texts, critical thinking improves comprehension abilities, adding that this can be an advantage to those who are learning.

From cracking in-class assignments to facing real-world situations in society or the workforce, Habimana says critical thinking is a valuable skill to master.

Habimana points out that it’s a tool that one can use to apply in any situation in life, especially analysis and planning.

"In the new knowledge economy, critical thinking is a must-have for any individual who aspires for growth and development, therefore, having it is an added advantage to one’s career and development,” he adds.

Meanwhile, it has been revealed by different studies that the global knowledge economy is driven by information and technology, and that for this reason, one has to be able to deal with changes quickly and effectively.

Also, the new economy places increasing demands on flexible intellectual skills, and the ability to analyse information and integrate diverse sources of knowledge in solving problems. Good critical thinking promotes such thinking abilities, and is very important in the fast-changing workplace.

Erick Nizeyimana, a university student pursuing entrepreneurship, is of the view that when you think critically, you come up with creative solutions to problems. "You need to be a quick thinker, which in the end will help promote creativity.

"When you are someone who thinks outside the box, it helps when it comes to creating and generating new ideas as this plays a crucial role in evaluating new concepts and modifying them if necessary,” he says. 

The student goes on to add that critical thinking fosters independence, and this can be helpful to learners because such skills nurture a sense of independence.

On top of this, Nizeyimana says independent thinking skills are at the forefront of learning how to be not only a great thinker but a great leader too.

"As learners, this teaches us how to make sense of the world based on personal experience and observation, and to make critical well-informed decisions in the same way. This, in the long run, helps us gain confidence and the ability to learn from mistakes as we build successful and productive lives,” he adds.

Critical thinking at work

Experts say that as an employee, critical thinking abilities are a key skill in any workplace.

Fabienne Uwamahoro, a software businessperson in Kigali, says that thinking critically in the workplace helps employees solve problems and build strategies that make them better at their jobs.

For this reason, she says, employers may look to hire employees who have strong thinking abilities.

For any career’s success, Uwamahoro says it’s important to display critical thinking as this is an essential facet of any profession where the goal is to assess information objectively without bias. She notes that it also enhances realistic solutions in one’s field, and improves the decision-making process.

Habimana says critical thinking helps employees understand themselves better, their motivation and goals.

For instance, he says, when one traces information to find what’s important and apply that to their lives, they can definitely change their situation and promote personal growth.

For one to have the inherent ability to see challenges from several perspectives, they need to be critical thinkers, says Habimana.

He adds that critical thinkers are more self-reflective and can change their minds and opinions in light of new information, which is essential in any organisation.