Death toll from Niger attack rises to 100
Monday, January 04, 2021
Islamic extremists staged attacks on two villages in Niger near its border with Mali, killing at least 100 people. Net

At least 100 civilians were killed and around 20 others wounded on Saturday by attackers in two villages in western Tillabery region in Niger, close to the border with Mali, Nigerien Prime Minister Brigi Rafini said on Sunday.

"We lost 70 people in Tchombangou, while around 30 people were murdered in the village Zaroumdareye," said Brigi Rafini, who travelled to the two villages a day after the attack. 

"The attackers have not yet been identified," he said, "investigations will be carried out so that these crimes are not left unpunished."

Brigi Rafini announced precautionary measures adopted by the government, including the installation of a military company to secure the population of this area, and reassuring the survivors of this double attack who are in the process of leaving.

The attackers, who came in large numbers on motorcycles, carried out this massacre in retaliation after two members of their group were killed by villagers while committing an attack earlier in the day. 

According to an official statement published on Sunday morning by Nigerien Ministry of Interior, at least 70 civilians were killed and 20 others wounded. This part of Niger has in recent years been suffering from deadly attacks.