Understanding appetite stimulation
Sunday, January 03, 2021
Lifestyle changes help to stimulate appetite. / Photo: Net

The term appetite is most commonly used to refer to the desire to eat food.

Just as one would like or desire to eat more often (increased appetite), nutritionists say there is also another group of people who have a decreased appetite for different reasons.

Medics term this condition as poor appetite /loss of appetite.

Causes of loss of appetite

To understand appetite stimulation, experts say that knowing everything about loss of appetite is important.

 Factors that contribute to a decrease in appetite include, developmental stages or medical conditions, mental and physical illness, illness caused by infection, among others.

If lack of appetite lasts for more than a couple of days, this can harm your health in general as it can cause weight loss or malnutrition.

Appetite stimulation

Private Kamanzi, a dietician and nutritionist at Amazon Nutrition Cabinet, a Kigali-based health clinic, says those with a low appetite will definitely need a stimulant, especially if they aren’t eating enough nutrients.

In this case, he says such individuals need medications and supplements that can increase appetite. In some cases, they can also stimulate appetite with lifestyle changes.

Celestine Karangwa, a medic at Technology Clinic in Remera, Kigali, says one of the most important ways to increase appetite through lifestyle changes is by engaging in physical exercise regularly.

This, he says, can help surge hunger as it increases one’s energy expenditure. Also, another way is by consuming foods that you enjoy, change your menu.

"Calorie-containing beverages, such as protein shakes, fruit smoothies, milk, and juice, can help meet your daily calorie requirements. However, sticking to nutritious beverages is important,” he says.

Kamanzi says that consuming less fibre can help stimulate appetite as well.

He explains that fibre may help food digest faster and keep one from feeling as full. If you struggle with having an appetite, he says a lower-fibre diet may help.

Another lifestyle way of stimulating appetite, Kamanzi says, is by concentrating on nutrient-rich food.

People with poor appetites tend to eat empty calories like French fries, ice cream, and baked foods.

Even though these foods might seem more appetising and contain high amounts of calories, Kamanzi says they are a bad idea since they provide very few nutrients.

Instead, he says, one should concentrate on foods that provide a wide selection of nutrients like protein and healthy fats.

Clementine Uwamariya, a nutritionist in Kigali, says it’s also important to schedule your mealtime, explaining that hunger usually makes people eat.

However, if one doesn’t get hungry, they might not be able to rely on their appetite to remind them when to eat.

If this is the case, she says, they should try scheduling their meals and setting a reminder at each mealtime to make sure they are eating regularly.


Kamanzi says vitamins, minerals, and herbs may be effective in stimulating appetite. In some cases, they may also be effective in treating vitamin and mineral deficiencies that are affecting appetite.

Some of these supplements include zinc, thiamine, fish oil among others.

A zinc deficiency can cause taste and appetite changes, whereas a supplement or multivitamin containing zinc should be safe for most adults.

For thiamine, Kamanzi says a deficiency in vitamin B-1 can cause increased resting energy expenditure, or the rate one burns calories when resting.

Way forward

Uwamariya says with low appetite, ensure that you take in healthier calories by eating three full meals in a day.

Although this can be challenging when you have no appetite, she says finding a motivating way to do so can work.

She notes that this can be done by dividing three main meals into five or six smaller meals. And that as the appetite improves, one can start increasing the portions of these meals, or adding more ingredients to consume more calories throughout the day.

Meanwhile, infants and toddlers, she says, can present their own set of eating challenges. If a parent is concerned about their children’s eating habits, especially not eating enough, the best way is to consult a health expert for advice and a way forward.