FEATURED: Calling all tourism and hospitality businesses to comply with COVID-19 guidelines
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Reference is made to the statement on Cabinet resolutions of 14th December 2020; and the subsequent guidelines issued by Rwanda Development Board for the Tourism & Hospitality establishments to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic; as we join our families and friends during this holiday season, determined solidarity is highly required to comply with the required safety measures;

The Rwanda Chamber of Tourism hereby calls for maximum responsibility, cautiousness and compliance from all actors in the tourism and hospitality industry, and the general public by observing key safety guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health which include: mandatory COVID-19 negative tests for all people attending events in hospitality establishments, and tourists visiting national parks; social distancing as required; proper wearing of masks for all staff and clients; regular handwashing; providing of only acceptable services, with appropriately monitored consumption of alcoholic drinks; and ensure business strictly operate respecting the allowed working hours.

The Chamber of Tourism pledges total commitment to joining the Government of Rwanda in the fight against COVID-19 while providing absolute facilitation of conducting business in safety.

Thank you,

Aimable RUTAGARAMA, Chairman Rwanda Chamber of Tourism