Editorial: Child rights sensitisation is required

It is not one or two cases we have heard of children whose rights are violated in different ways. The abuse of the rights of a child is not only seen in Rwanda or Africa only. It’s a worldwide occurrence.

Monday, October 15, 2007

It is not one or two cases we have heard of children whose rights are violated in different ways. The abuse of the rights of a child is not only seen in Rwanda or Africa only. It’s a worldwide occurrence.

If I may say, this chronic disease of child abuse needs to be fought seriously. If not, the world will keep on losing its future. Keeping quite when children are sexually abused will not be a solution.

Child abuse cases should be reported in time. People who do report cases of abuse of rights encourage the act. Reporting such cases to the local authorities should be encouraged.

It is unfair if children abusers go Scot free. Local leaders who are bribed by the culprits and they let them go should also be penalized.

They are doing more harm to the society than good. Let us protect the young generation by respecting their rights and punishing the people who violent their rights.
