Covid-19: Rwanda reports record seven fatalities in a single day
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Rwanda on Wednesday, December 30, reported 7 Covid-19 fatalities - the highest daily fatalities to be reported since the outbreak of the virus in the country.

The death toll now stands at 86, and December remains the month in which many fatalities and infections were registered.

In just three days, the country has recorded 11 deaths and on Tuesday, for the first time, the fatalities hit one per cent of the total infections.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, the country confirmed 122 new Covid-19 infections, raising Rwanda's tally of positive cases to 8,250. Of these, 6,369 have already recovered.

The new infections were mainly identified in Kigali where 69 people tested positive for the virus. 18 Covid-19 cases were also identified in Gakenke district, eight in Rusizi district, seven in Rubavu district, five in Huye district, and four in Nyamasheke district among others.

Nyamagabe district reported three Covid-19 cases, whereas Muhanga and Karongi districts confirmed two infections each.

Kamonyi, Nyagatare, Nyabihu and Gatsibo districts confirmed a single infection each.

The results were obtained from 3,409 sample tests collected in the last 24 hours. In total, 725,804 tests have been taken.