Why you should be a good listener
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Listening skills enable an individual to build successful products, teams, and partnerships. / Courtesy

Listening to others is considered as one of the vital self-improvement skills that is essential in life.

O, The Oprah Magazine, an American monthly magazine recently featured a cover article with the title, "How to talk so people can really listen.

Reading the title, one would expect a list of ways to leave the listening to others and insist that they do so, but the article contains a surprise ending with the final piece of advice stating, "You can’t go wrong by showing interest in what other people say and making them feel important,” which simply implies that it is as essential to listen to others as it is being listened to.

Experts believe that it doesn’t matter which professional field one is in or their career path, it’s vital for them to learn how to improve their listening skills, which can help them excel in their careers as well as in life.

Importance of listening

Fredrick Karakire, a lecturer in Kigali says good listening skills can give one a competitive advantage including communicating with fellow employees, employers, and business partners.

With good listening skills, he says, the ability to understand the needs and requests of others can be easier when you practice active listening.

In one way or another, the lecturer notes that by being a good listener to everyone, it helps in building a successful career.

In addition to this, Karakire points out that listening skills enable an individual to build successful products, teams, and partnerships that will help them advance in their career.

"By listening carefully to what others say, it helps the other party express themselves well, and bring what is on their mind to your attention,” he says. 

According to different studies, listening goes along with asking for help, and that being a good listener fosters meaningful relationships with those around you.

Besides, listening skills help when it comes to personal development as it allows you to expand your horizon.

Emmanuel Ndayambaje, an educator and director at Rwinkwavu Library in Kayonza District, Eastern Province  affirms that  in all situations, one can’t go wrong by showing interest in what other people say, which makes them feel important, adding that the better one listens, the more they will be listened to.

Experts note that it’s normal to think of communication as just being about expressing ourselves, but that’s really only half of it. It’s also just as important to know how to listen.

For instance, Ndayambaje notes, in a relationship, being able to listen to your partner effectively means you’re able to better understand their perspective.

"It means you’re more likely to have constructive conversations where you feel your point of view is being considered. Learning how to be a good listener can do so much to address different issues be it in a relationship or in other areas,” he says.

Grace Murengerantwali, a motivational speaker in Kigali is of the view that if you want to be listened to, you probably have to be someone who listens intently to others.

She says that being able to listen to others carefully, fosters respect and trust between the speaker and the one who is listening.

"When you are a leader; you play a significant role within your organisation, enterprise, or in any field. You are simply in charge of shaping the goals, decisions, and priorities of what you lead,” she says.

Still in an organization, she says as a leader, one needs to use their influence to shape their company’s culture, commitment, employee engagement, and loyalty as well. All these, she says, come by having good listening skills.

According to Murengerantwali, in order to gain the credibility and trust of those below and above you, one has to be more influential; therefore, you need to have excellent communication skills, which is a huge part that depends on your ability to listen to others.

"Improving your listening skills can help you become a better person as well as make it easier to understand what others expect from you,” she adds.