Dutch Courts verdict timely

Editor, Its with pleasure that I read in yesterdays The New Times, that genocide fugitive ,Joseph Mpambara, was sentenced to 20 years for his role in the 1994 Genocide against Tutsis by a Dutch court .

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Its with pleasure that I read in yesterdays The New Times, that genocide fugitive ,Joseph Mpambara, was sentenced to 20 years for his role in the 1994 Genocide against Tutsis by a Dutch court .

The judges said there was compelling evidence that Mpambara had ordered the killing of two Tutsi mothers and their children; having hauled them out of an ambulance they were using to flee. They were later hacked and beaten with clubs and machetes.

The Rwandan nation is about to enter the period of national mourning, as we remember the terrible events of 1994, and its good to know that while some fugitives are still evading justice, like Felicien Kabuga, others are being apprehended and paying for their crimes.

While jailing them will not bring back the dead, justice is a prerequisite for healing.
