Imbuto rewards outstanding students

WESTERN PROVINCE NYAMASHEKE — The Imbuto Foundation over the weekend rewarded 28 female students who exhibited outstanding performance during  last year’s national examinations in Rusizi and Nyamasheke districts.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


NYAMASHEKE — The Imbuto Foundation over the weekend rewarded 28 female students who exhibited outstanding performance during  last year’s national examinations in Rusizi and Nyamasheke districts.

The function that took place on Saturday at Kagano parish conference hall in Kagano sector, Nyamasheke district was presided over by the Minister of Information, Louise Mushikiwabo who offered the rewards to the students.

The beneficiaries included 9 girls who excelled in the  primary national exams, ordinary level and  senior six exams. The latter were  given certificates, school bags, mathematical instruments, dictionaries, calculators, books and Rwf.20,000 each while the one who excelled in her senior six exams last year was given a Laptop.

The Minister applauded the beneficiaries for performing well academically last year and called upon them to always strive for excellence in their further studies.

She also asked parents who were present to always promote the  education of the girl-child in their respective areas which would help in reducing poverty especially among the female segments of the population.

"I am pleased with the way female students performed in last year’s exams in all the three candidate levels. This is really interesting and it shows that Imbuto Foundation has begun to bear good results in as far as the promotion of education for female students is concerned in the country.

I  also encourage each and every individual who is here at this occasion to put much effort in it because we still have a long way to go,” she said.         

On behalf of the First Lady, Jeannette Kagame, Mushikiwabo thanked partners and well-wishers who have continued to make the annual occasion  a success.

Another related ceremony that was held in Kamembe sector of Rusizi district Beatha Mukamusoni and Jean Bosco Iragaba were each rewarded with a cow under the Imbuto Foundation’s "Malayika Murinzi” programme for being exemplary parents to orphans and vulnerable children in the district. 
