Covid Christmas: What are your plans?
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas is here, however, with restrictions on activity, it will mean a more dampened season than usual amid a global pandemic. Many families will have to celebrate individually, instead of in large groups. Some folks might even find themselves celebrating alone. People’s Joan Mbabazi asked some people how they plan to spend Christmas and New Year’s Day.

Sarah Murungi, Agriculturalist

Since I am Muslim, I don’t celebrate Christmas. But I will give myself a treat at the Kigali Marriott Hotel, just to wake up in luxury in the New Year. 

Fratene Manishimwe, Social worker

For Christmas, I plan to spend it in the village with parents and siblings. We shall have a zoom call with my other friends and business partners. And on New Year’s, I am visiting and spending time on my plot on the Batutsi Island of Burera lake, where I will also visit family there.

Moses Wabwire Mugume, Photographer

I will spend Christmas with my family and friends. Usually, my aunties cook lots of food and everyone is welcome. After prayers, I will share some necessities and financial support with disadvantaged people. For New Year’s, I will be tuned in on television for prayers.

Irene Abwoli, Entrepreneur

Honestly speaking, I had different plans for Christmas this year but due to the current situation, everything had to change. So I will be attending church service online, then maybe prepare a meal that I would like to eat. Later on, I will catch a movie from home. If I am to move out, I will go for ice cream with a friend. As for New Year’s, I don’t have plans of going anywhere. I will attend online prayers till morning. So I plan to spend my entire night in prayer.  

Valerian Abatesi, Administrator

I will spend this Christmas with my family, having fun and singing praises to the Lord who has kept us safe in the face of all the uncertainties of the year. For New Year’s, I usually spend it in church praying for my family and the people close to me, however, this time around, I will be home. 

Nicholas Lubwama, IT expert

This Christmas will be a little different, I will spend it indoors. We shall have a buffet for lunch and then later in the evening, snacks and watch some movies as a family. But for New Year’s, I will be travelling to Dubai for a holiday of one week.

Moses K Gahigi, Journalist

I feel mentally and physically exhausted, I even got more strands of gray hair on my head. It’s been a grueling and emotionally challenging year.  Life has drastically changed because of the pandemic, I will spend most of my festive season in-doors. The days I will be home, I plan to read some new books I bought and also watch Netflix movies. I will also visit family with my fiancée this festive season. I will do my best to stay away from writing since it’s what I have been doing all year.

Hope Leticia, Student 

I will have a small meet up with my friends. We plan to cook together and exchange gifts. Each one doesn’t know who will gift what to whom, so it will be a surprise for all of us. It’s like "Secret Santa”, so exciting. I am going to have a dinner date and movie night with a friend on New Year’s Day.