Ubudehe: 40% households missed out on classifications
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Citizens who were in the first category of Ubudehe carry foodstuff at Jali sector in Gasabo District in August last year. / Photo: Sam Ngendahimana.

The Local Administrative Entities Development Agency (LODA) says that only between 55 and 60 per cent of total households in the country were classified in Ubudehe categories.

Overall, the exercise seeks to classify over three million households.

The latest stratification of citizens in their respective social-economic classes kicked-off on December 4 and ended on December 6.

There are five Ubudehe categories; A, B, C, D, and E. Category A consists of households with the highest income while E reflects the most vulnerable in society.

The new categories came up after citizens had complained that the method used during the former categorization was not transparent.

According to the Director-General of LODA, Claudine Marie-Solange Nyinawagaga, after it was noticed that some citizens missed on Ubudehe classification, the exercise is still ongoing.

"We cannot wind up the exercise before all households are classified, and, therefore, with adherence to Covid-19 guidelines, citizens who were left out in the categorization exercise can approach their respective local leaders and they help them register for Ubudehe categories,” she said.

Normally, during Ubudehe categorisations, citizens meet in small groups known as ‘isibo’ and, with the help of youth volunteers, leaders of the small groups explain to citizens how different the new Ubudehe categories are before classifying them so that there won’t be any mistakes.

Citizens play role by giving necessary information such as their monthly earnings, profession/career, number of household members, number of plots of land and their size and location, and the category they think matches their standard of living among others.

It is expected that, once the exercise ends, the classifications will later be announced at every cell’s office by the end of February.

Citizens will be able to see their socio-economic classes and make appeals at their village offices where necessary.

Some malpractices detected

According to Nyinawagaga, there were some misconducts noticed during Ubudehe classifications in different parts of the country.

She, among others, said that some local leaders in Muhanga and Gatsibo districts were caught receiving bribe to classify citizens Ubudehe categories that do not match their standards of living.

This according to Nyinawagaga is caused by lack of accurate information by some citizens who still think that social services like university scholarships and community-based health insurance (Mutuelle de santé) will be provided based on one’s Ubudehe category.

She added that in January, a Ministerial Order by the Minister of Local Government will be issued, stipulating how the new Ubudehe categories will be used.

According to Nyinawagaga, unlike the current practice, under the new stratification, no public service will be provided based on Ubudehe categories, apart from the very vulnerable population in category E.

"We urge the public to give us accurate information because the effects of not doing so affect the entire nation, especially when it comes to planning in all sectors such as health, economy and many others,” she underscored.

Emphasizing the need for providing authentic information, Nyinawagaga said that with the collaboration between LODA and other different public institutions, accurate information will be accessed.