Teens Hype!

No pride I once had a cat called Missy. She was really old so I decided to get a second cat. I called him Sporty because he was black with tiny little white spots. When sporty came home, he was really scared of Missy who was bigger and stronger.

Monday, March 23, 2009

No pride

I once had a cat called Missy. She was really old so I decided to get a second cat. I called him Sporty because he was black with tiny little white spots. When sporty came home, he was really scared of Missy who was bigger and stronger.

Sporty grew.  He grew into a big tiger cat, bigger than Missy.  He felt powerful and proud. Sporty bullied Missy all the time and did whatever he wanted in the house. He was the biggest cat, wasn’t he?

Missy would run and hide whenever Sporty was around. I could not believe that this cat was now in charge.

One day I couldn’t find Sporty. My friends told me he fell down while fighting with other bigger cats. His pride had made him get into a fight and now he was hurt.

I later found him in a nearby bush really sad. He had finally learnt his lesson. We can be like Sporty sometimes.  We suddenly become proud and feel better than others.

We forget that success does not make us better or bigger than everyone else. Pride only hurts other people and us. If we always remember that pride comes before a fall, we would never be proud.

Respect and love one another and learn to share your life in peace with others.
