Kagame pledges continued collaboration with OECD
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

President Paul Kagame on Monday, December 14, pledged continued collaboration between Africa and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

He was speaking at the ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the Organisation.

OECD is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. It has 36 member countries, but also partners with several other countries worldwide to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all. 

In his remarks, President Kagame commended the work done by OECD and underscored Rwanda’s and Africa’s will to collaborate with the organization.

He said: "OECD’s signature is its use of evidence-based policy to improve economic and social well-being worldwide. Its focus on inclusive, private-sector development is much-needed, particularly for Africa’s industrialization agenda.”

"In Africa and Rwanda, we look forward to continued dialogue and collaboration with the OECD, in pursuit of prosperity and opportunity for our people,” he added.

Kagame also highlighted that as a new member of the OECD Development Centre, "Rwanda appreciates the opportunity to learn from best practices, and also share the lessons of our development journey”

The OECD Development Centre, which includes countries from Africa, Asia, and Latin America facilitates policy dialogue for and with developing and emerging economies. 

The Centre contributes expert analysis to the debate on development policy.