MPs praise Rubavu’s Girinka programme

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — Members of the parliamentary committee in charge of economic development and social affairs have praised Rubavu district for its efforts to promote the Girinka programme move that is said to have helped many people out of poverty.

Monday, March 23, 2009


RUBAVU — Members of the parliamentary committee in charge of economic development and social affairs have praised Rubavu district for its efforts to promote the Girinka programme move that is said to have helped many people out of poverty.

The committee members who were headed by senator Chrysologue Kubwimana said this recently while on a visit to Rubavu district to evaluate the success of the Girinka program in western province.

"We visited Rubavu and found out that households that have so far benefited from the projects, have indeed been delivered from poverty. We were reliably informed that  99 people have so far received cows in Rubavu sector alone through this project,” explained Kubwimana. He thanked residents for mobilizing themselves to sort out their challenges without waiting for aid.

"We are informed that soon the beneficiaries are planning to open  a dairy plant and a veterinary shop in a concerted bid to boost their productivity,” he said. He called upon residents to always pool their resources collectively  through cooperative unions to boost their livelihoods.

According to Rubavu district vice mayor in charge of economic development Evariste Bizimana, the district sensitized people on the importance of Girinka programme and proper handling of the cows which were donated under the project. 

Residents and Girinka beneficiaries praised the government for the introduction of the programme.

"Living conditions in my household have greatly improved, my children get enough milk which has protected them from malnutrition  unlike in the past. I have managed to generate some income to buy household necessities,” explained  Jean Claude Hategikimana one of the Girinka beneficiaries.
