Supply of vehicles to RRA( LOT 1: SUPPLY OF MINIBUS

Rwanda Revenue Authority

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Tender Title: Supply of vehicles to RRA (LOT 1: SUPPLY OF MINIBUS) 

Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) (hereinafter called ‘’Client”) funded by ordinary budget towards the cost for Supply of vehicles to RRA ( LOT 1: SUPPLY OF MINIBUS). The Client intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the contract for which this Bidding Document is issued.

Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) invites eligible bidders to submit bids for Supply of vehicles to RRA as indicated in detail in the statement of Requirements.

Tender Documents in English may be obtained from the umucyo e-procurement system ( For submission of the bids, all interested bidders must pay a non-refundable fee of ten Thousand Rwandan francs (10,000 RWF) paid to the RRA non-fiscal revenue accounts in Commercial Banks linked with the Rwandan e-procurement umucyo system. 

An original bid Security of one million six hundred thousand Rwandan francs (1,600,000 frw) for Lot 1 from an insurance company or bank and shall be linked with the Rwandan e-procurement system during submission of the bid.

Inquiries regarding this tender may be addressed by writing through the procurement system not later than fifteen (15) days before the fixed date for the submission of bids.

All bids will be submitted online using the e-procurement system as mentioned above not later than the date and time indicated in the e-procurement system concerning this tender. Late bids will be rejected by the e- procurement umucyo system automatically. Bids will also be opened automatically by the e-procurement umucyo system on the date and time indicated in the e-procurement system.

Bidding will be conducted in accordance with the Law N° 62/2018 of 25/08/2018 on Public Procurement.

Done at Kigali 7th, December, 2020

TIN: 100600570 Procuring Entity: RWANDA REVENUE AUTHORITY(RRA) Procuring Entity Type: State Address: Kimihurura Abbreviation Name: RRA Post Box: 3987 Tel No: 0788443966 Fax No: Email: Representative Name: KABERA Sam