ULK doubles students’ budget as new guild team is sworn in

Kigali Independent University Student Association (AGEULK) was yesterday overjoyed by the school’s decision to double the associations’ budget.

Monday, March 23, 2009
New guild members in a group photo after their swearing in ceremony at the ULK campus in Gisozi yesterday. (Photo/ R Mugabe)

Kigali Independent University Student Association (AGEULK) was yesterday overjoyed by the school’s decision to double the associations’ budget.

The announcement was made public by ULK rector, Kigali campus, Prof Dr Alphonse Ngagi, who said the decision was an effort to promote the culture of social spirit at the university.

"We came up with the decision after you showed your commitment in enforcing social activities amongst yourselves and the community around,” Ngagi told the jubilant students during swearing in of the new committee at ULK premises.

The budget was increased from Rwf 8m to 16 million annually.

According to the outgoing committee President, Emmanuel Karemera , AGEULK managed to pay fees for six genocide survivor students while another 40 were supported in different ways.

"We have supported women hawkers who were on the run from local defence forces and now they have a house from where to operate. We also supported them with Rwf 30,000 each,” Karemera read from his annual report.

Addressing the students, Ngagi appealed to the in-coming guild to keep up this culture of helping the needy and being servant leaders.

"It’s necessary for this committee work with the administration to advocate for students’ studies. We shall not tolerate irresponsible lecturers and absenteeism of students,” Ngagi warned.

He also urged the new committee to live by their oaths advising them to work in the interest of the association if there to succeed and live a mark.

The ULK-Kigali campus currently has 9,000 students in various disciplines.
