Reasons to be passionate about passion fruit
Sunday, December 06, 2020
Yellow passion fruits for sale in a small market located in Zindiro, a Kigali suburb. / Photo: Lydia Atieno

Unlike purple passion fruit, the yellow one is larger with brown seeds. Most people are used to purple passion fruit, however, nutritionists affirm that it’s important to consider the yellow variety as well as they contain almost the same benefits as the purple ones.

In different markets, this type is sold by a few vendors because many people don’t like them, or simply don’t know much about them or the health benefits they offer. A kilogramme of yellow passion fruits ranges between Rwf 800 to 1000.

Emmy Ntamanga, a Kigali-based nutrition consultant, says yellow passion fruit is not only delicious when used in juice, but it can also be turned into several dishes and desserts.

Furthermore, he says, this fruit has acidic flavour and is widely consumed in the form of juice, salad, cocktails, and desserts and is used as a flavouring agent.

"It’s a nutritious fruit containing vitamins and minerals with high dietary fibre which is equal to 43 per cent of daily needed vitamin A as well,” he says.

He says that antioxidants are good for our skin and that passion fruit has many types of antioxidants in it, like vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin and carotene.

These antioxidants, he says, reduce the production of free radicals in our body. Free radicals are generated by our body cells as a by-product and can cause skin ageing. The anti-inflammatory properties of passion fruit tend to help our skin. 

Passion also helps in boosting one’s immune system because it is highly rich in vitamin C, beta-kryptoxanthin and alpha-carotene that boosts immunity.

It also has iron which increases haemoglobin in in our red blood cells. 

Ntamanga says it has been shown that drinking a glass of cold passion fruit juice helps to relax our nerves and has a calming effect on the mind. Passion fruit is often used to cure digestive problems and gastric diseases.

This fruit is also beneficial for people with insomnia or sleeping disorders. It possesses somniferous properties, which when taken before going to bed, help you to relax and have a peaceful sleep. A glass of passion fruit juice before going to bed is quite effective in this regard, Ntamanga says. 

Studies show that passion fruits are a good source of fibre, and a single serving provides the human body with approximately 98 per cent of its daily requirement. Fibre is an essential component of a healthy diet since it is the substance that accelerates healthy digestion of food and the regulation of bowel movements.

Passion fruit is a good source of soluble fibre, which acts as a bulk laxative, moving food through the digestive tract and reducing exposure time of the colon to any toxins.

It also reduces constipation by regulating bowel movements, scrubs the blood vessels clean of excess cholesterol, and even prevents gastrointestinal conditions like colorectal cancer

For those struggling with maintaining and losing weight, Sonia Uwamwezi, a Kigali-based nutritionist, says passion fruit is a wonderful option for dieters as it is low in calories, sodium and fat.

She says that a 100 gram serving of passion fruit provides just 97 calories. It also has a high content of carbohydrates and natural sugars.

"These nutrients are effective in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. High fibre content, on the other hand, fills you up, thus reducing your cravings for other foods—this results in weight loss and maintenance ideal body weight,” she says.