Over 270 graduate from KHI

Kigali Health Institute (KHI) on Friday awarded for the fifth time, diplomas to 279 students for the Academic Year 2008.

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Education Minister Daphrose Gahakwa and KHI Rector Dr Desire Ndushabandi at last yearu2019s KHI graduation ceremony. (File Photo)

Kigali Health Institute (KHI) on Friday awarded for the fifth time, diplomas to 279 students for the Academic Year 2008.

The graduates were made up of 151 females and 128 males which brings the total of health professionals trained by KHI to 2,048.

At the same function, 20 professional counsellors were awarded post-graduate certificates.

The school has 1,200 students, 400 of whom study from the Kibuye campus in Nyamishaba.

According to authorities, 80 percent of the graduates at the institute are already employed in various government and private institutions.

Presiding over the graduation, State Minister in charge of Primary and Secondary Education, Theoneste Mutsindashyaka, urged students to maintain love for the country and collectively work for its development.

He challenged the graduates to seek jobs on the international market to effectively compete with foreigners who come into the country.

"There are very many people who seek employment in Rwanda. You should also aim to going out and compete with them out there,” Mutsindashyaka who represented the Chancellor, Minister Daphrose Gahakwa said.

Addressing the congregation, the Rector. Dr. Desire Ndushabandi highlighted the high number of students who want to study at KHI but cannot be admitted because of inadequate space and the shortage of competent lecturers in the different disciplines at the school.

Despite the short comings, he said, the graduates are equipped with the right knowledge and attitude to have concern and respect for human dignity.

He encouraged them to develop good managerial qualities and advocate for quality health care delivery in the country.

"I wish to acknowledge the good work done by KHI staff to impart this package of knowledge, attitudes and skills to our students and want to caution you to practice for life all the skills you have attained,” Ndushabandi said.

He encouraged them to uphold the mission of training and developing health professionals in the country.
