Rutsiro: Habineza pledges to construct new market
Thursday, July 04, 2024

The chairperson and presidential candidate of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda (DGPR), Frank Habineza, has assured Rutsiro residents that they will get a new market if he wins elections.

He was speaking at a campaign rally in Gisiza trading centre, Musasa sector, and again in Rubengera sector, Karongi District, as he continued his campaign trail in Western Province.

"I was told that you have a problem with the lack of a market. If you vote for us, we will build it for you. Also, we were told you have challenges with access to clean water, but we plan that once we are elected, you will have five jerrycans per day free of charge," Habineza told Rutsiro residents on Wednesday, July 3.

ALSO READ: Habineza promises to improve school feeding if elected

Jean Marie Vianney, 28, is a famer who, with his colleagues, attended the campaign rally.

"This market is very important because during the dry season, our goods ruined. It is a challenge because car accidents happen here. We need a better place," he said.