Waiting on God

When God delivered the tribe of Israel from slavery in Egypt he took possession of them, took charge of all their needs and wanted them to depend entirely on him. That is why he taught them to wait on him for 40 years in the desert and boy did they learn!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

When God delivered the tribe of Israel from slavery in Egypt he took possession of them, took charge of all their needs and wanted them to depend entirely on him. That is why he taught them to wait on him for 40 years in the desert and boy did they learn!

As I read the Biblical books of Exodus and Numbers, I understand that it is not the situations that we are in that matter to God because he is not alarmed by trouble, but he is concerned with the lessons we get from them and how compliant we become.

God works with repentant people who are ready to be directed by him. When the Israelites began their 40-year journey from Egypt, God demonstrated that he was able to sorely fend for them by breaking their chains of bondage, making way for them through the Red Sea and drowning their enemies behind them.

However their human nature got the best of them and they began to murmur and complain against God and his servant Moses whenever they faced hardships.

Apart from that they created and worshipped other gods like the calf image and made God so angry. Still He gave them another chance.

Thereafter the Israelites infuriated God with so many complaints that he almost destroyed them with fire (Numbers 11:1) and venomous snakes (Numbers 21:6) at the point when they were almost entering the Promised Land.

Psalm 121:1 is a popular quote: "I will lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord.”

The writer is telling us that when danger lurks all around us waiting for an opportunity to strike, God is our only refuge!

How applicable is that in our lives today? When we are in problems or despair, do we look up to the Lord or do we start complaining, grumbling and worrying ourselves to death?

The Israelites knew very well that God was in control, they had witnessed his mighty power. But like many of us today, they easily forgot that He was with them, became desperate and bitter causing themselves more misery.

If we could stand faithfully with God in whatever situation or need we are experiencing, He would surely rescue us in time and make us forget what we went through.

I urge you to wait patiently and calmly on the Lord-it gives great hope, courage and victory.

Contact: jidgas@gmail.com