The Hater: I hate people who…

…seem not to know their boundaries as far as work is concerned. Anyone with a job is supposed to know their job description. This details of what they are supposed to do and not do. However, I always meet security guards who think they are bank tellers.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

…seem not to know their boundaries as far as work is concerned.

Anyone with a job is supposed to know their job description. This details of what they are supposed to do and not do. However, I always meet security guards who think they are bank tellers.

There is this guy who tried to tell me recently that the bank was closed. I told him I knew the bank’s working hours and besides I banked with the bank not the security group. I told him to get out of my way for I was not a security threat. I later found that the bank was actually open.

…keep questioning me about not answering my phone.

I think I made a big mistake by purchasing a mobile phone and a SIM card. There are people who call me and when I pick the phone they starting flooding me with questions as to why I was not picking up in the first place.

I find these questions very irritating. When I bought my phone I never signed any contract with anyone that I will have to always instantly answer.

I am not a receptionist please. I have the liberty to answer my phone when I feel like. I cannot go with it to the bathroom. I wish I could mimic that lady… "Le numero compose…”

…delay to attend to clients in offices, tossing them around.

I am very sure even the president also hates these fellows for they slow down his efforts to develop Rwanda. In the mornings they act busy and make you wait for hours.

At midday they go out for lunch. After lunch and this is past 2:00pm, they advise you to come back the following day.

These are the same people who just a few days ago were wallowing in misery without a job. Now that they have it they decide to make the rest of us suffer.

They think that by coming to their offices we do not have our own jobs. I am hoping that very soon you get fired and receive no benefits and never find a job ever again.

…sit in public commuter taxis and put their arms over other passengers.

You may pretend not to know these guys but I will help you. They enter the taxi and take their seat. After a while they raise one arm and put it over their neighbour’s and rest it on the top of the seat.

Please this is a public vehicle and there is no reason for you to sit as though you are in a sofa at home. The annoying thing is that most of the time these are strangers and the odour from their now exposed armpits is enough for me to return my half digested lunch.

…go around talking ill about others, especially in public places.

Oh my, these people are so every where. They love meeting in drinking places and sometimes they are not even shy to do this in commuter taxis. The professional gossipers love to meet in beauty saloons to assess the lives of others.

They go on and on about who stole what and who is having a relationship with who. They even claim to know where Kabuga is hiding and where the president goes for lunch! I just wonder why they do not get jobs as journalists with all this info. Oh I hate them.

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The Hater