Fifty awarded certificates in trauma counselling

EASTERN PROVINCE KAYONZA-Fifty people from Nyamirama and Mukarange sectors were last week awarded certificates in trauma care.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

KAYONZA-Fifty people from Nyamirama and Mukarange sectors were last week awarded certificates in trauma care.

Awarding the certificates, vice-mayor in charge of people’s welfare Anita Umutesi requested them to use the training be of great importance to them, to the district and the country as a whole.

She further requested them to be good leaders wherever they were going so that the people could benefit. Umutesi also requested them to fight Genocide ideology in all forms and hatred in general, which she said were caused by idleness.

"Educate Rwandans to feel at home as one people and let us start with the students who will also help in educating their parents about the dangers of Genocide ideology,” she said.

She said that lack of unity in previous regimes caused the 1994 Genocide, in which about a million people Rwandans were massacred using machetes and hoes.

"If there was love, no one would have thought of slaughtering another person. Help the government in uniting and reconciling Rwandans.”

The four-day training ending Friday was organized by Prison Fellowship Rwanda in collaboration with Lutheran World Federation.

Those trained included students, teachers, pastors, and genocide survivors and those who participated in the Genocide but were released for speaking the truth.

The executive director of Prison Fellowship Rwanda pastor Deo Gashagazi called all to work together to rebuild the government.
