Get inspired: The power of giving

For those who at one time or another gave freely, they know the peace and blessing one receives after a good action. Giving with no strings attached is such a huge action; its fruits may not be readily visible but they eventually get realised. I come from a family where I was taught the values of giving.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

For those who at one time or another gave freely, they know the peace and blessing one receives after a good action. Giving with no strings attached is such a huge action; its fruits may not be readily visible but they eventually get realised. I come from a family where I was taught the values of giving.

Many are the times I saw my parents sharing moments and items with our neighbours. My dad once told me that if I want to be rich, I should learn to be with people. People are the earth’s greatest wealth. If helped, they are the same people who help you at a certain time "T”.  

Staying with people means nothing but, fellowshipping with them, caring and helping those in need. It’s such a great blessing when you give, for a hand that gives will never be empty.

There’s a German proverb that says, "He who lends to the poor gets his interest from God.” We should learn to be cheerful givers, God delights in a heart that gives. Giving is a true and acceptable sacrifice.

Ghandi says that the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. We do not only give get to get blessings from God, it is also a good discipline. Giving helps us not to be selfish but caring people to our friends.   

Norman Vincent Peale once said that when you become mentally detached from yourself and concentrate on helping other people with their difficulties, you will be able to cope with your own more effectively. 

A French proverb says that no one became poor by giving alms. In our very own backyard, we say, "Gutanga kuruta guhabwa” (Giving is better than receiving). So, don’t brood and blame others for not giving you, maybe you should give them first. Nice week.
