Why women lie about their age and men about their wallet

Since time immemorial, it has been the desire of women to always look young and as a result it has been almost their habit never to tell their right age. While their male counterparts have tried to portray themselves as real estate dealers with huge bank accounts.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Since time immemorial, it has been the desire of women to always look young and as a result it has been almost their habit never to tell their right age. While their male counterparts have tried to portray themselves as real estate dealers with huge bank accounts.

SundayMag asks women why men lie about their wallet and asks men why they think women will not tell their right age. 

Andrew Jairu, "Women think being young is beautiful that is why they will go an extra mile to do extra ordinary things to keep looking young and beautiful. They will do things like slimming in the name of portability because it is associated with beauty.” 

Kamanzi Karim, says women are misguided to think that men can not fall in love with older women. So that is why they don’t tell their age because they want to woo young men to their side.     

David Songa has no problem with women lying about their age because it is not harmful at all "the urge to remain young for women is something good since it is not harmful to us.”  

Diana Mbabazi thinks that men do pretend to have money because they don’t want to be undermined in society.

"Whenever they want to win a lady, they pretend to have money because they think women love money and materials,” she explains.  

Odette Muriza finds it disgusting for men who pretend to have money.

"They want to disguise their status in order to be accepted in society especially on the side of the opposite sex.”
What’s your view?
