Apprenticeship program for ex-combatants commences

NORTHERN PROVINCE  The Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission has launched a vocational teaching program which will equip over 600 ex-fighters with entrepreneurship skills.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


The Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission has launched a vocational teaching program which will equip over 600 ex-fighters with entrepreneurship skills.

Over 70 former combatants alone were involved in mechanical engineering, plumbing, carpentry and soap making in COFAVIRU, a furniture industry in Musanze.

"This nature of practical education is intended to provide a big number of people with marketable skills on one hand and addressing labour market needs with in a shortened period of time,” said Chairman Jean Sayinzoga.

The practical training, which is scheduled to last for four months, will focus of the social and economic vulnerability of ex-combatants.

Sayinzoga castigated the group to use the skills to hold up themselves and also teach others as the commission could not train all.

Speaking from the motorcycle garage Pascal Niyibizi, a former combatant, cautioned his colleagues not to undervalue teaching, but rather to develop themselves.

The inauguration of the program was graced by partner from the Dutch and Belgium embassies and World Bank.
