When Nature calls

Ever tried responding to a short call of nature in full view of people? Why not? Well for most people, it is simply unthinkable. Unfortunately, this view is not shared by all, evidenced by the hunch back, bowed heads of people (usually men) standing close to trees or walls…or whatever other ‘shield’ the person imagines is concealing them from the public as they answer one of natures calls.

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Public toilets.

Ever tried responding to a short call of nature in full view of people? Why not? Well for most people, it is simply unthinkable.

Unfortunately, this view is not shared by all, evidenced by the hunch back, bowed heads of people (usually men) standing close to trees or walls…or whatever other ‘shield’ the person imagines is concealing them from the public as they answer one of natures calls.

Urinating in public is a demeaning habit that one can engage in, not to mention that it is also unhealthy. It shows lack of respect for oneself and other members of the public.

Many people argue that when nature calls, it demands a response. But it is where we answer this call that I now question. The fact that one feels like urinating does not force the person to immediately release.

Instead, one should plan ahead of time by relieving themselves before going to a public place. Besides, there are many public toilets all over town and for only Rwf100, one can relieve themselves in the comfort and privacy of a toilet. Most clubs provide rest room and so do restaurants.

Mary Tesi a student from Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) says that she has witnessed this habit many times when walking around the city with her friends. She explains more than it just being unhealthy it is indecent exposure of ones private parts.

"It is so annoying when you are walking with someone and they stop to urinate in a public place with no apologies. There was nothing to prevent this people from doing it besides decency and common sense. You don’t need someone to keep reminding you where to or not to help yourself” Tesi explains.

Alex Mutara says that men have gotten so used to helping themselves in public areas that it doesn’t seem wrong to them.

He says that once or twice he has also had to help himself in a public places because others were doing it and because for a long time it has been an acceptable behavior.

"There are times I have helped myself beside the road. I just got so pressed and I had to do it. I realise people might disapprove of this behavior but at that time I just had to go.” He confesses.

This is a problem in developing cities in developing countries. It is argued that the reason is largely a result of inhabitants growing up without latrines and indoor toilets.

As a result, people have grown up with a habit of urinating in public. To prevent this habit from becoming a major problem, Rwanda has a by law prohibiting public urination.

Kigali City Council spokesperson, Bruno Rangira says public urination is a punishable offense with harsh sanctions associated to it. He says that when caught in the act the culprit is fined a total of Rwf 1,500.

"Public urination is common in many public areas especially the within the city centre and the Council and police have united to fight this bad habit. The habit is a health hazard and it should be stopped.” Bruno urged.

Bruno expressed the Council’s commitment to dispense information regarding the health effects of this bad habit through forums at all levels and radio shows.

Public urinating and defecation may already be sanctioned but this has not deterred people from doing it hence raising some major health concerns.

According to Doctor Steve Shaka, urinating in public is a major health threat to the individual, environment and the population.

"All waterborne diseases can be transmitted through urine. This urine is washed away by rains and other people fetch it for domestic use and hence they get infected. After urinating in public area one doesn’t have the privilege of washing their hands. It is therefore unhygienic and can be detrimental to your own health.” explains Shaka.

The doctor continued to explains that with time, areas frequented by these public offenders become eye sores. Urine contains toxins that are harmful to plants.

He explains that urinating in a public area is harmful for all concerned and people should try to avoid it as much as possible.

The question of whether to or not urinate in public areas is a question of one’s morals. It’s a question of respect for oneself and others. It is a question of decency.

It is a disgusting habit that needs tougher sanctions otherswise we will be stuck on a city that is known not for its beauty but its stench.

Nature will call but the response is dependent on the individual hence we all need to make a vow to keep our city stench free by responding to nature in the most organized planned and acceptable way – in the toilet.

Email pgathoni@gmail.com