Employee appreciation is key for a company’s success
Wednesday, November 04, 2020

An employee’s zeal to wake up every single day to report to work at times comes when their efforts are appreciated.

Although some employers make effort to offer a conducive environment for their employees, further steps need to be taken to appreciate workers when they for example reach a target sale, deliver on time, and establish the company’s business deals, for their value is worth acknowledging.

Willy Nsabiyumva, a business development consultant and CEO of Growfast ventures-a local IT firm, says employees are channels through which you relate and deliver value to customers- they need to be taken care of just like the way you take care of your family members. 

"When I say this most managers or business owners may say it’s too much, but it’s not,” he notes. 

Nsabiyumva adds that it’s the simple things that actually boost employees’ morale. For instance, remembering their birthdays and celebrating with them, following up on their welfare in case they are having issues outside work and offering support where possible, he says.

He also states that offering compliments in meetings, encouraging and inspiring them to be the best versions of themselves and taking them up for challenges, are great virtues too.

The business development consultant further notes that employees require to be pushed to level up their skills but it’s also important to show them that you care for them and their progress.

"By doing so, they will be motivated and encouraged to do more for the business. But again impact their lives even after they cease working for you. The connection doesn’t have to die.”

He points out that the conduct that needs to be appreciated include delivering on time, providing consistent innovative ideas to enhance the value offered to customers, taking initiative on issues that are lagging behind, and proposing ideas that grow the company. 

Other traits that are worth recognition could be the ability to work seamlessly with others and not seek credit and loyalty (An employee who is loyal is one who anticipates challenges, is trustworthy, honest, and faithful), Nsabiyumva says.

Matthew Rwahigi, the founder of Gisozi based ‘Thella Café,’ stresses that as far as employee recognition is concerned, the most important thing is to recognise good customer relations because this affirms their value to the team.

He says that rewarding and recognising employees is first and foremost, based on how well they work hard on ensuring customers are well taken care of.

"Regardless of an employee’s position; from the security people in the yard, the cleaners to everyone else even those who do not necessarily meet the customer, all need to be recognised because everyone’s work is key to the success of the company,” the business manager notes. 

"Other key behaviours are how well the employee plays on the team- their teachability and how well they take criticism. When we set goals, we should set clear timelines so those who continue to deliver with good quality and time, are constantly appreciated,” Rwahigi states.

He also carries on that the company’s recognition approach is strongly reflective of its centre values. If integrity, reliability, and these other customer service related values are vital to the company, it will be crystal clear in what they recognise as good performance.