PS Imberakuri 'optimistic' about gaining more seats in parliament
Tuesday, July 02, 2024
Christine Mukabunani, PS Imberakuri’s chairperson and former Member of Parliament speaks to journalists.

PS Imberakuri began its campaign to canvass votes for its 47 parliamentary candidates on June 22.

Earlier, Christine Mukabunani, PS Imberakuri’s chairperson and former Member of Parliament, said that in the elections due July 14-16, the party wants to get seats in Parliament in order to ensure that policy-makers address people’s concerns and issues.

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The party launched its campaign in Kirehe and Kayonza districts in Eastern Province and will conclude it in Gasabo District on July 13.

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With the campaign now midway, Mukabunani has expressed satisfaction with the progress and is hopefulness about gaining more seats in the upcoming elections. She told The New Times that: "Yesterday [July 1], we concluded our fifth day, marking the halfway point of our 10-day campaign. The turnout has been good, overall, except for minor disruptions such as a last-minute change of rally site on the first day.”

She is confident about the party’s chances to gain more seats as the party’s manifesto accomplishments are at least 70 percent complete. The party has learned a lot from its two seats in the previous Parliament, which helped them, understand citizens ‘needs better, she noted. Incumbent President Paul Kagame on June 14 dissolved the Lower House of Rwanda’s bicameral Parliament, ahead of this month’s presidential and parliamentary elections.

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"In our 2018 manifesto, we proposed changes in the education sector, such as increasing teachers’ salaries and removing school fees for teachers’ children at all levels. While the salary increase has been achieved, we are still pushing for the removal of school fees if elected in the upcoming election,” she stated.

Mukabunani also highlighted the successful inclusion of nursing programmes back in secondary schools, with the first cohort currently sitting for their national exams among others.

ALSO READ: PS Imberakuri submits youth dominated list with 80 candidates for parliamentary polls

Regarding their current campaign promises, Mukabunani emphasized the importance of improving the agriculture sector by promoting the use of technology. The party also advocates for mobile technical and vocational education and training (TVET) facilities to help communities produce their goods.

"For instance, in Burera District, we identified a need for a small factory to process sheepskin, which would be beneficial to the community,” she explained.

She also highlighted the party’s commitment to increasing the number of specialists in the medical sector and improving their well-being to reduce the need for people seeking medical help abroad. Additionally, PS Imberakuri aims to push for educating citizens on environmental regulations to prevent future demolitions of improperly built houses.

The remaining five days of the campaign will be held in Gisagara District on July 3, Gicumbi on July 5, Nyanza on July 9, Bugesera on July 12, and Gasabo on July 13.

PS Imberakuri candidates are among the total 589 candidates vying for seats in the 80-member Chamber of Deputies, or lower house, of Rwanda’s bicameral parliament.

Christine Mukabunani, PS Imberakuri’s chairperson and former Member of Parliament and members of the party during the campaign
PS Imberakuri members duriung the campaign