The fashion side of election campaigns
Monday, July 01, 2024
Artiste Bruce Melodie dons Sonia Mugabo’s “Ode to PK” inspired T-shirt while performing with Bwiza in Rubengera on Sunday, June 30. Photo by Olivier Mugwiza

The campaign rallies that kicked off on Saturday, June 22, have been thrilling and turned into a fashion showcase.

The youth's enthusiasm for the elections and excitement to finally cast their votes have inspired them to create outstanding pieces of collections supporting their favourite candidates.

Renowned fashion designer Sonia Mugabo unveiled an "Ode to PK" collection whose attires and impressions have been making headlines throughout the presidential campaign so far.

One of Rwanda's most established designers, Mugabo made a T-Shirt with a photo of RPF-Inkotanyi-led coalition candidate Paul Kagame in front. And, at the back are words "Ni Wowe", loosely translated as "It's You," supporting the incumbent head of state that he is the right candidate to take the new five-year term.

Musician Juno Kizigenza dons Sonia Mugabo’s "Ode to PK” inspired T-shirt. This is one of the collections which have been making headlines during RPF-Inkotanyi-led coalition campaign for their candidate Paul Kagame. Courtesy

The outfits were mostly worn by local artists, RPF supporters, First Lady Jeanette Kagame, and many first-time voters. The collection has become a powerful symbol of appreciation and gratitude towards Kagame.

On top of being a fashionable piece, it also serves as a creative way to engage the youth in the campaigns.

Another designer whose collections are making waves during the campaigns is Bruce Mbanza.

Mbanza also unveiled his latest collection that he dubbed "Opportunity to Serve" in support of RPF-Inkotanyi flag bearer Kagame, advocating for another term to continue his exemplary service to Rwandans.

According to the designer, the collection, themed with the slogan "Pass the Spirit," aims to unite voters and inspire them to carry forward the spirit of service embodied by RPF incumbent Paul Kagame.

Kwesa Collection also released a "We for PK” jersey, that also engaged many young people, football fans and influencers online.

The collection also serves as a reminder that it is together that Rwandans can shape decisions made in the country.

These pieces are not only elevating the Made in Rwanda industry, but they are also bringing together young Rwandans during the campaigns.

By engaging the creative industry, young Rwandans were able to express their creativity in fashion and showcase their talents through a series of creations inspired by the political parties and presidential candidates they support.

Elsewhere, political parties like Social Democratic Party (PSD) and Democratic Green Party also get dressed to impress during the campaign with their usual colors.

Their designs have evolved significantly and are inspired by made in Rwanda outfits which dominating the market of the campaign rallies.

A jacket made by local clothing line F&Y with the photo of RPF-Inkotanyi candidate Paul Kagame. Courtesy
Senator Juvénal Nkusi, one of founding members of PSD, dressed in the political party’s outfit-Emmanuel Ntirenganya