Emergency Ministry calls for more fire extinguishers in secondary cities
Monday, July 01, 2024
Police establish fire outbreak at Musanze Tax park. Photo: Courtesy

The Ministry of Emergency Management (MINEMA) has called for an increase in fire extinguishers in secondary cities to ensure the safety of residents as these areas expand and grow.

According to Adalbert Rukebanuka, the Director General of Planning, Policy, and Risk Reduction at the ministry, this initiative requires a coordinated effort among government entities to mitigate risks that endanger lives.

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"We always collaborate with the Rwanda National Police for rescue operations. However, we recommend that the number of fire extinguishers in secondary cities be increased as these cities develop," Rukebanuka said during a recent discussion on building disaster resilience in the Western Province.

A recent fire outbreak in Cyanika Sector, Burera District, damaged goods worth approximately Rwf 7 million at a MAGERWA store. The cause of the fire is still under investigation by the police.

This incident followed another fire in November 2023, which destroyed a commercial building next to Musanze Tax Park. The fire was triggered by an exploding cooking gas cylinder, according to investigations.

Speaking to The New Times about fire prevention, SP Jean Bosco Mwiseneza, the police spokesperson for the northern region, noted that fire-related incidents continue to occur.

"Fire-related incidents are still observed, and measures to prevent such accidents are being established based on their causes," Mwiseneza said.

SP Mwiseneza highlighted several challenges in firefighting, including the inadequacy of firefighting equipment among citizens, a low level of knowledge about using fire fighting materials, delays in reporting fires, a preference for primitive methods to extinguish fires, and insufficient firefighting vehicles.

Fire guts Musanze commercial building

The lack of fire extinguishers and fire trucks is also a significant challenge in the Western Province, as revealed by Superintendent of Police (SP) Bonaventure Twizere Karekezi, the police spokesperson for the region. He mentioned that Karongi and Nyamasheke districts lack fire extinguishers.

Maurice Mugabowagahunde, the Northern Province Governor acknowledged the increasing frequency of fire outbreaks and emphasized the importance of community mobilization.

"Our population is aware of the risks of not having fire extinguishers in their buildings. We conduct regular community mobilisation and plan to increase awareness even in public buildings like cells. While new cell buildings are equipped with fire extinguishers, older ones often lack them," Mugabowagahunde said.

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Mugabowagahunde also supports the initiative to acquire more fire trucks, noting that the current number is inadequate for effective fire prevention.

"This is a significant challenge when fire outbreaks occur," he added.

A fire extinguisher is seen in one the mixed school in Ngororero district/Photo Germain Nsanzimana