Tracing for a lost person
I am pleased to write this letter asking a question. There is an old woman who thought that she had lost a son during the 1994 Genocide.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I am pleased to write this letter asking a question. There is an old woman who thought that she had lost a son during the 1994 Genocide.
She supposed that the son had died. What surprised her is to see him in your magazine on page 4 of The New Times May 16-17, 2005. Above the picture there was this statement: Children need parental care.
So, if possible, can you show her the way to meet him? It may be difficult, but you can try because she wants to see him.
When the result is good, you can call 03146229 (Niyonsaba Théoneste) or 08789090 (Ange Robert Iraguha).
God be with you.