FEATURED: BK Foundation equips students with career guidance, financial literacy at university fair
Monday, July 01, 2024
Over 1,600 senior six students from various schools in Rwamagana and Kayonza districts gathered at the Rwamagana Leaders School for a university fair. During the BK Foundation university fair 2024 , students learned about financial literacy and some opened personal BK accounts. Courtesy

On June 28, over 1,600 senior six students from various schools in Rwamagana and Kayonza districts gathered at the Rwamagana Leaders School for a university fair aimed at equipping these students with career guidance and financial literacy from BK Foundation, a subsidiary of BK Group.

The event provided students with resources from 15 university representatives (both National and international universities operating in Rwanda) to make informed decisions about their future education and career paths. The fair educated students on academic programs, Scholarship opportunities, Financial Planning, and available Financial products and services delivered by different subsidiaries of the BK Group (mainly BK Bank, and BK Capital), empowering them to take control of their educational and financial journey.

Students learned about BK Group subsidiaries while also connecting with 15 university representatives during the 2024 university fair in Rwamagana

"We want to ensure that these young people have opportunities to save their money, invest their money, and be nurtured into future responsible and corporate citizens who are better prepared to navigate the complexities of the financial world and achieve their long-term financial goals," said Ingrid Karangwayire, BK Foundation's Executive Secretary.

BK Foundation, the philanthropic arm of BK Group, emphasized the importance of education for individual and societal progress. They believe that instilling good financial habits early on equips students to handle their finances independently and contribute positively to society.

The foundation invests in financial literacy and offers training to high school students on personal finance management, budgeting, and investing to improve people's standards of living especially focusing on the young generation.

The university fair aimed at equipping these students with career guidance and financial literacy from BK Foundation

Fabrice Uwayo, a senior six student at New Life Christian Academy in Kayonza who participated in the university fair, had never had an account before. He opened one during the fair and mentioned that having an account has adjusted his money management habits.

"Fellow students and I could spend money without thinking about saving for the future, but now I learned the opportunities of opening a BK account, which paves the way for future budgeting and investing. It would be beneficial if this fair starts in lower classes so that students can save longer while still studying," Uwayo said.

The event provided students with resources from 15 university representatives (both National and international universities operating in Rwanda

According to Uwayo, the bank account he opened will offer safe means to secure finances, access to online and mobile banking services, make transfers to other accounts, and access other account services such as cards.

Ange Ishimwe, also a senior six student from Kayonza Modern Secondary School, said that university representatives at the fair provided information on what life is like on campus. She was excited to learn about the different scholarship opportunities available at universities and looks forward to joining them after she graduates high school.

"I am grateful for the opportunity to attend this fair and gather all this valuable information. It has opened my eyes to the possibilities that lie ahead in terms of my education and future career. I am now more motivated than ever to work hard and achieve my goals so I can make the most of these opportunities that have been presented to me," Ishimwe said.

BK Foundation's Executive Secretary, Ingrid Karangwayire speaks at the event on June 28. Courtesy

BK Foundation's Executive Secretary, Karangwayire, stated that the 2024 university fair is the first of its kind, and they look forward to extending it to other provinces in the near future.

Besides acquiring financial literacy and information about career orientation from 15 university representatives, the fair also served as a platform for blood donation. Students were reminded that donating blood can save lives and positively impact the community. A number of them committed to donating blood regularly in the future.

BK Foundation prioritizes education, innovation, and environmental conservation pillars. They foster innovative entrepreneurs, champion quality education through scholarship programs, and build a skilled global workforce.

Over 1,600 senior six students from various schools in Rwamagana and Kayonza districts gathered at the Rwamagana Leaders School for a university fair.
During the BK Foundation university fair 2024, students learned about financial literacy and some opened personal BK accounts
During the BK Foundation university fair 2024, students learned about financial literacy and some opened personal BK accounts
The university fair aimed at equipping these students with career guidance and financial literacy from BK Foundation
BK Foundation staff and school officials pose for a group photo.