Officials blamed for poor service delivery

BY DAN NGABONZIZA KARONGI — Certain public officials  of Karongi District in the Western Province have been blamed for poor service delivery.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


KARONGI — Certain public officials  of Karongi District in the Western Province have been blamed for poor service delivery.

The mayor, Bernard Kayumba, made the remarks during a meeting that took place at Gatwaro stadium after a special district community work (Umuganda) on Wednesday.

He said if services in the district are not delivered well, the expected levels of achievements  envisioned  cannot be attained.

‘Service delivery in our district is still lagging behind. If an official cannot perform well in his or her duties…then you cannot achieve your goals in any way,’ he said.

He went on to comment about the conduct of  some government officials whom he said have low performance levels of service delivery warning that tough measures will be taken against them.

‘These officials who ignore or delay to provide services to local population should know that their days are numbered. We shall work hard to see that this issue is sorted out,’ he said.

The mayor reminded residents to work hard and strive to fit into the modes of the  East African Community.
